Reflection interference contrast microscopy of Naegleria on Connie the Confocal. Real time, then sped up 20 fold.
Invasive lung squamous cell carcinoma immunostained for cytokeratin (green) and vimentin (red).
Rapid prototyping with Arduino boards and Thorlabs Lab Snacks boxes.
Naegleria crawling through 3D collagen fibers.
Naegleria crawling on glass. Sped up 25 fold.
Naegleria crawling on glass. Sped up.
chytrids crawling
Chytrid zoospore retracting flagellum
Trajectories of nuclear F-actin puncta in a single confocal slice of a live U2OS nucleus over 30 seconds at 50 millisecond resolution.
FtsZ in bacillus imaged with SIM
TIRF of FRAPed actin filaments in vitro assay
JMY (red) and LC3 (green) positive puncta partially colocalize and comigrate.
Chytrid zoospores swimming. Slowed down 75x.
neutrophil crawling, rendered using ChimeraX and Cinema4D
Wave 1 complex actin beads motility assay
GFP-Wave1 complex (green), Cy5 actin (blue)
Archaea dividing at 76C